Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fat Flush Plan

Well, I'm all over the place.  One day it's heavy revelations pending and another it's the Fat Flush Plan.  Not boring, though.  And my FFP is rather mixed with revelations.

We started yesterday.  I won't go into all that you do for the diet here, but it lines up with everything I've been learning lately on a spiritual level.

You can't bear fruit by chasing the fruit or doing it on your own.  You simply become the tree and the fruit will come.  That's fruit of the Spirit.  We become the tree by planting ourselves by streams of living water (Psalms 1) and growing.  The living water, of course, is Jesus.  If we seek Him and His Kingdom, we will bear fruit. 

One of those fruits is self control.  I'm amazed as to how we came up with this diet.  I've always been interested in it - ever since I first saw it on a church friend's FB page.  I never got around to it, and just kinda' filed it in my brain.  Over the past couple of weeks, I've just had it raise up in me to want to do it.  Almost like an urge.  That's God.

I researched it a bit online, bought some of the basics and started making plans.  I spent the night with Sandra Sunday night and we went to Half Priced Books on Monday.  They had exactly two copies, so we each got one.  Oh, as soon as I mentioned dieting, she jumped on board.  She said that the Lord had put it on her heart also, and it was confirmed with us doing this.  Funny.

The FFP targets getting your organs flushed and working properly to begin with, then maintaining them while your body comes in line with becoming healthy.  Weight loss is a side effect.  Pretty cool.

David and I were discussing it the night before we started and he said he sees this as a fast.  He is getting his body in line with his spirit.  I was seeing it the same way, but without putting the title on it. 

I might have been all over the place, but don't have what it takes to fix it right now...

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