that I can't keep up with a blog? I used to. I love it. I have stuff to share. Maybe it's the time factor? Maybe. I also feel like it's sometimes pointless when I haven't in so long. I know I'll hate that I didn't one day, though. Maybe. Maybe it's that I don't have a habit of it anymore? Maybe.
We graduated yesterday from the two year portion of Charis Bible College. We are now licensed ministers with an associates degree in biblical studies. Really cool, I think. Next year, we will go back for the apprenticeship program and receive our bachelor's and be all done. We didn't go for the degrees, though. That was just a bonus. In fact, when we started our first year, they hadn't announced yet that they would be awarding degrees. Prior to that, you just graduated, got your minister's license and kissed goodbye. Sort of. You could do an optional third year, just like now, but there were no degrees.
There's so much that has happened during this school year. We had several speakers, grown closer to our Charis family, had financial miracles and a missions trip to Germany. One day soon, I plan to type up all my notes from the mission trip here so they're immortalized. Sort of. hehe.
Hopefully I'll remember to come back here. :-)